updated: July 11, 2011      
Where to Find Information about Requesting a Scope Ruling

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Note: The information below is not intended as a complete outline for how to file a proper scope request.

This site is to introduce the reader to the location of certain information, contained in the Commerce Department's regulations for 
requesting a scope inquiry. The regulations governing the Department's antidumping scope determinations can be found 
at 19 CFR 351.225  (refer to https://enforcement.trade.gov/regs/index.html). 

The Department issues "scope rulings" that clarify the scope of an antidumping or countervailing duty order. 19 CFR 351.225(a).
An interested party may apply for a ruling as to whether a particular product is within the scope of an order. 19 CFR 351.225(c)(1).
Section 771(9) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (as amended) (the Act) (19 U.S.C. 1677(9)) defines who qualifies as an "interested party."

Please note the following regulations in preparing your scope request:

      .  19 CFR 351.225(c) lists the information and statements required for each product inquiry.
      .  19 CFR 351.303 requires that you submit all documents to the Enforcement and Compliance's APO/Dockets Unit. 
          Please note the number of copies required under 351.303(c) and the required format of submissions under 351.303(d)(2).
      .  19 CFR 351.304 describes the procedures for identifying and disclosing business proprietary information.
      .  19 CFR 351.225(n) requires service upon all parties listed in the relevant scope service list. 
         19 CFR 351.303(f) requires a certificate of service upon those parties.
      .  19 CFR 351.303(g) requires certification of factual information for each submission. Effective March 14, 2011, this 
          certification must reflect the amended language as published in the Federal Register. See Certification of Factual 
          Information to Enforcement and Compliance During Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Proceedings: Interim Final Rule, 
          76 Fed. Reg. 7491, 7499 (Feb. 10, 2011) (refer to https://enforcement.trade.gov/frn/index.html).  

The list of interested parties you need to serve with a copy of your scope request in accordance with 19 CFR 351.225(n) can also be 
found on our website, at https://enforcement.trade.gov/apo/apo-svc-lists.html. To find the relevant service list, start your search at "Active APOs 
and Service Lists." Then, look for the Product to which your inquiry may relate, e.g., petroleum wax candles. Search alphabetically 
for the Product.  Once you click on the arrow to the left of the Product category, e.g., "petroleum wax candles," you will see the 
country(ies) for which antidumping and/or countervailing duty orders on the Product exist.  For example, if you click on petroleum 
wax candles, you will see the People's Republic of China (A-570-504). You then click on the arrow to the left of the relevant country 
and may see several options. Select "Scope Inquiry (Comprehensive Service List for Scope Inquiries)" to find the most up-to-date 
scope service list. 

The Department issues quarterly notifications for scope rulings in the Federal Register. A list of these notifications can be found 
at the following website: https://enforcement.trade.gov/scope/scope-ruling-fr-notices.html.