Foreign-Trade Zones Board 
                               [Docket No. 5-87] 
                                  52 FR 39673 
                                October 23, 1987 
Proposed Foreign-Trade Zone; San Diego, CA; Amendment of Application  
TEXT: Notice is hereby given that the application submitted by the City of Diego, 
California, requesting authority to establish a general-purpose foreign-trade zone 
in the Otay Mesa Planning Area of San Diego (52 FR 20634, 6-2-87) has been 
amended to include the 312-acre De La Fuente Business Park, located within the 
planning area. It is situated at Airway and Media Roads and is owned by Border 
Business Park, Inc. The application, as discussed during the July 1, 1987, public 
hearing, remains otherwise unchanged.  
   The comments period is reopened until November 30, 1987.  
   The application and amendment material are available for public inspection at 
the following locations: 
U.S. Dept. of Commerce District Office, 
6363 Greenwich Drive, 
San Diego, CA 92122 
Office of the Executive Secretary, 
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, 
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Rm. 1529, 
14th and Pennsylvania NW., 
Washington, DC 20230  
   Dated: October 14, 1987. 
[FR Doc. 87-24541 Filed 10-22-87; 8:45 am]