DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE


   Carbon Steel Wire Rod From Saudi Arabia; Preliminary Results of Countervailing
      Duty Administrative Review; Intent to Revoke Countervailing Duty Order

                         Tuesday, November 2, 1993


 AGENCY: International Trade Administration/Import Administration
 Department of Commerce.

 ACTION: Notice of preliminary results of countervailing duty administrative review;
 intent to revoke countervailing duty order.

 SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce is conducting an administrative review of the
 countervailing duty order on carbon steel wire rod from Saudi Arabia. We
 preliminarily determine the total bounty or grant to be 0.18 percent ad valorem for the
 period January 1, 1991 through December 31, 1991. In accordance with 19 CFR 355.7,
 any rate less than 0.50 percent ad valorem is de minimis. If these preliminary results are
 sustained in the final results of this review, the Department will revoke the
 countervailing duty order because the Saudi Iron and Steel Company (HADEED), the
 sole producer and exporter of the subject merchandise in Saudi Arabia, has not applied
 for or received any net subsidy on the merchandise for five consecutive years, and has
 certified that it will not in the future apply for or receive any net subsidy on the
 merchandise. We invite interested parties to comment on these preliminary results.

 EFFECTIVE DATE: November 2, 1993.


 Philip Pia or Richard Herring, Office of Countervailing Compliance, International
 Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230;
 telephone: (202) 482-2786.



 On January 31, 1992, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published in the
 Federal Register a notice of "Opportunity to Request Administration Review" (57 FR
 3740) of the countervailing duty order on carbon steel wire rod from Saudi Arabia.
 During March 1992, HADEED, the sole producer and exporter of the subject merchandise
 in Saudi Arabia, requested an administrative review covering the period January 1,
 1991 through December 31, 1991. A timely request for revocation of the
 countervailing duty order, accompanied by the required certifications under 19 CFR
 355.25 of the Department's regulations, was submitted by HADEED. We initiated the
 review on March 16, 1992 (57 FR 9104). The Department has now conducted this
 administrative review in accordance with section 751 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
 amended (the Act).

 Scope of Review

 Imports covered by the review are shipments of Saudi carbon steel wire rod. Carbon steel
 wire rod is a coiled, semi-finished, hot-rolled carbon steel product of approximately
 round solid cross section, not under 0.20 inch nor over 0.74 inch in diameter, tempered
 or not tempered, treated or not treated, not manufactured or partly manufactured, and
 valued over or under 4 cents per pound. Such merchandise is classifiable under item
 numbers 7213.20.00, 7213.31.30, 7213.31.60, 7213.39.00, 7213.41.30, 7213.41.60,
 7213.49.00 and 7213.50.00 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS). The HTS item
 numbers are provided for convenience and Customs purposes. The written description
 remains dispositive.
 The review covers the period January 1, 1991 through December 31, 1991, and three
 programs. During the review period, there was only one Saudi producer and/or exporter
 of the subject merchandise, the Saudi Iron and Steel Company (HADEED).
 The Department intends to revoke the countervailing duty order, if at the time the
 Department publishes the final results of this review, HADEED has demonstrated that it
 has not applied for or received any net subsidy on the merchandise for five consecutive
 years and is not likely in the future to apply for or receive any net subsidy on the
 merchandise. As required by § 355.25(c)(2)(ii) of the Department's regulations, the
 Department conducted a verification of the questionnaire responses submitted by the
 Government of Saudi Arabia and HADEED.

 Analysis of Programs

 (1) Public Investment Fund Loan to HADEED 

 The Public Investment Fund (PIF) was established in 1971 as one of five specialized credit
 institutions set up by the Government of Saudi Arabia. The other specialized credit
 institutions are the Saudi Industrial Development Fund (SIDF), the Saudi Agricultural
 Bank, the Saudi Credit Bank and the Real Estate Development Fund. These specialized
 credit institutions are funded completely by the Saudi government and were the only
 sources of long-term financing in Saudi Arabia during the review period.
 The PIF was established in 1971 to provide financing to large-scale, commercially
 productive projects that have some equity participation of the Saudi government. PIF
 by-laws exclude firms or projects without Saudi government equity from applying to the
 PIF for financing. Because the application of the government equity participation
 requirement has limited benefits under this program to a small number of enterprises, we
 have previously determined that PIF loans are provided to a specific group of enterprises
 in Saudi Arabia, and that the PIF loan to HADEED is contervailable to the extent that it
 is given on terms inconsistent with commercial considerations (see, Carbon Steel Wire
 Rod from Saudi Arabia; Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative
 Reviews, 56 FR 48158 (September 24, 1991)). No new information of changed
 circumstances regarding this program was provided that would lead the Department to
 revise this conclusion.
 The loan contract between the PIF and HADEED requires that HADEED pay a variable
 commission, or interest, on the outstanding balance based on its profitability in the
 preceding semester. During 1991, HADEED made repayments of loan principal and
 commission on its PIF loan.
 Using the two sources for medium- to long-term industrial financing available in Saudi
 Arabia, private commercial banks and the SIDF, we have constructed a composite
 interest rate benchmark for 1991 to determine whether the PIF loan to HADEED was on
 terms inconsistent with commercial considerations. Since the PIF loan covered 60
 percent of HADEED's total project costs, for our benchmark we assumed that HADEED
 could have financed 50 percent of its total project costs with a SIDF loan (the maximum
 eligibility for a company with at least 50 percent Saudi ownership) and the remaining 10
 percent of project costs with a Saudi commercial bank loan. The SIDF loan portion of the
 benchmark was used because, of all the specialized credit institutions, it is the only fund
 besides the PIF which lends to industrial or manufacturing projects and, is most
 representative of what 


 HADEED would otherwise have to pay for long-term
 loans in Saudi Arabia. We used the 2 percent flat rate of interest applied to SIDF loans in
 1991. The commercial bank portion of the benchmark was based on the average Saudi
 Interbank Offering Rate (SIBOR) for 1991, plus a one-quarter of one percent spread.
 Because the composite benchmark for 1991 is less than the actual commission, or interest
 rate, that HADEED paid on its PIF loan in 1991, we preliminarily determine that the PIF
 loan was not inconsistent with commercial considerations for the period January 1, 1991
 through December 31, 1991.

 (2) SABIC's Transfer of SULB Shares to HADEED 

 The Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corp. (SABIC) was established in 1976 by the
 Government of Saudi Arabia as an industrial development corporation. SABIC has been
 the majority shareholder in HADEED since the steel company's inception in 1979. In
 1982, SABIC acquired all of the remaining shares in the Steel Rolling Company (SULB), a
 Saudi producer of steel reinforcing bars of which SABIC had been the majority
 shareholder since 1979. In December 1982, SABIC decided to transfer its shares in SULB
 to HADEED in return for new HADEED stock. Through the stock transfer, SULB became a
 wholly-owned subsidiary of HADEED.
 In Final Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination and Countervailing Duty
 Order; Carbon Steel Wire Rod From Saudi Arabia, (51 FR 4206; February 3, 1986)
 (Saudi Wire Rod), we determined that HADEED was unequityworthy in December 1982
 and that the transfer of SABIC's shares in SULB to HADEED in exchange for additional
 shares in HADEAED was inconsistent with commercial considerations.
 For this review, we preliminarily determine that the most appropriate methodology to
 use in measuring the benefit from equity infusions made or provided on terms
 inconsistent with commercial considerations is what we call the "grant" approach. (For a
 full discussion of this issue, see the Equity section of the General Issues Appendix to Final
 Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination: Certain Steel Products From Austria,
 58 FR 37217, July 9, 1993). We calculated that benefit to HADEED from the acquisition of
 SULB by using the declining balance methodology described in the Department's
 Proposed Rules (see, §355.49(b)(3) of Countervailing Duties; Notice of Proposed
 Rulemaking and Request for Public Comments, 54 FR 23366, May 31, 1989). For the
 discount rate we used the 2 percent flat rate of interest applied to SIDF loans during the
 year of the infusion, 1983, as representative of the national average long-term interest
 rate (HADEED contracted no long-term loans, in 1983 that could have been used as a
 benchmark). We then divided the amount of the grant allocated to the review year by
 HADEED's total sales in 1991. On this basis, we preliminarily determine the benefit from
 this equity infusion to be 0.17 percent ad valorem for the period January 1, 1991 through
 December 31, 1991.

 (3) Preferential Provision of Equipment to HADEED

 Under a lease/purchase arrangement, the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu built
 for HADEED two bulk ship unloaders at the Jubail industrial port for unloading iron ore,
 and constructed a conveyor belt system for transporting iron ore from the pier to
 HADEED's plant in the Jubail Industrial Estate. When construction of these facilities was
 completed in 1982, the Commission transferred custody to HADEED under a
 lease/purchase agreement.
 As originally planned, the bulk ship unloader and conveyor system was built to serve
 both HADEED and an adjacent plant in the Jubail Industrial Estate. The second plant was
 not built, however, leaving HADEED as the sole user of this equipment. The terms of the
 lease/purchase agreement require that HADEED must repay the equipment and
 construction costs plus a two-percent fee for the cost of money in 20 annual installments.
 The annual payments are stepped, with the lowest payment levels occurring at the
 beginning and the highest payment levels occurring at the end of the 20-year period.
 In the Saudi Wire Rod, we found that the two-percent cost-of-money fee is the
 Commission's standard charge for recovery of costs on other facilities in the Jubail
 Industrial Estate. Of the projects examined, a urea berthside handling system built for the
 exclusive use of another company located in the Estate was the most comparable to
 HADEED's ship unloader and conveyor system. Therefore, we compared the repayment
 schedule for HADEED's ship unloader and conveyor system to the repayment schedule for
 a berthside handling system. Although both agreements carried the standard
 cost-of-money fee, we found that HADEED's end-loaded, stepped repayment schedule was
 more advantageous than the annuity-style repayment schedule on the berthside handling
 system. Therefore, we determined that HADEED's ship unloader and conveyor system was
 provided on preferential terms. Moreover, because the equipment is used exclusively by
 HADEED, we found that it was provided to a specific enterprise and, thus, confers a
 bounty or grant. No new information or evidence of changed circumstances has been
 provided to alter that determination.
 To calculate the benefit, we compared the principal and fees being paid in each year by
 HADEED to the principal and fees that would be paid under the repayment schedule used
 for the berthside handling system. We allocated the sum of the present values of the
 differences in the two repayment schedules over 20 years, using a two-percent discount
 rate. The resulting benefit for 1991 was divided by HADEED's total sales in 1991. On this
 basis, we preliminarily determine the benefit from the preferential provision of the
 unloader and conveyor system to be 0.01 percent ad valorem for the period January 1,
 1991 through December 31, 1991.

 Preliminary Results of Review

 As a result of the review, we preliminarily determine the total bounty or grant to be 0.18
 percent ad valorem for the period January 1, 1991 through December 31, 1991. In
 accordance with 19 CFR §355.7, any aggregate net subsidy rate less than 0.50 percent ad
 valorem is de minimis, and will be disregarded.
 Therefore, the Department intends to instruct the Customs Service to liquidate, without
 regard to countervailing duties, all shipments of this merchandise exported on or
 after January 1, 1991 and exported on or before December 31, 1991.
 The Department also intends to instruct the Customs Service to waive cash deposits of
 estimated countervailing duties, as provided by section 751(a)(1) of the Tariff Act (as
 amended), on all shipments of this merchandise entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,
 for consumption on or after the date of publication of the final results of this review.
 Parties to the proceeding may request disclosure of the calculation methodology and
 interested parties may request a hearing not later than 10 days after the date of
 publication of this notice. Interested parties may submit written arguments in case briefs
 on these preliminary results within 30 days of the date of publication. Rebuttal briefs,
 limited to arguments raised in case briefs, may be submitted seven days after the time
 limit for filing the case brief. Any hearing, if requested, 


 will be held seven days
 after the scheduled date for submission of rebuttal briefs. Copies of case briefs and
 rebuttal briefs must be served on interested parties in accordance with 19 CFR 355.38(e).
 Representatives of parties to the proceeding may request disclosure of proprietary
 information under administrative protective order no later than 10 days after the
 representative's client or employer becomes a party to the proceeding, but in no event
 later than the date the case briefs, under 19 CFR 355.38(c), are due.
 The Department will publish the final results of this administrative review, including the
 results of its analysis of issues raised in any case or rebuttal brief or at a hearing.
 This administrative review and notice are in accordance with section 751(a)(1) of the
 Tariff Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(a)(1)) and 19 CFR 355.22.
 Dated: October 15, 1993.

 Joseph A. Spetrini,

 Acting Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.

 (FR Doc. 93-26933 Filed 11-1-93; 8:45 am)