DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE


   Carbon Steel Wire Rod From Saudi Arabia; Final Results of Countervailing Duty
                           Administrative Review

                           Monday, March 9, 1992

 AGENCY: International Trade Administration/Import Administration, Department
 of Commerce.

 ACTION: Notice of final results of countervailing duty administrative review.

 SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce has completed an administrative review of the
 countervailing duty order on carbon steel wire rod from Saudi Ariabia. We determine
 the total bounty or grant to be 0.01 percent ad valorem for the period of January 1, 1990
 through December 31, 1990. In accordance with 19 CFR 355.7, any rate less than 0.50
 percent ad valorem is de minimis.

 EFFECTIVE DATE: March 9, 1992.

 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Philip Pia or Michael Rollin, Office of
 Countervailing Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department
 of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 377-2786.



 On December 26, 1991, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published in the
 Federal Register (56 FR 66847) the preliminary results of its administrative review of the
 countervailing duty order on carbon steel wire rod from Saudi Arabia (February 3,
 1986; 51 FR 4206). The Department has now completed this administrative review in
 accordance with section 751 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Tariff Act).

 Scope of Review

 Imports covered by these reviews are shipments of Saudi carbon steel wire rod. Carbon
 steel wire rod is a coiled, semi-finished, hot-rolled carbon steel product of approximately
 round solid cross section, not under 0.20 inch nor over 0.74 inch in diameter, tempered
 or not tempered, treated or not treated, not manufactured or partly manufactured, and
 valued over or under 4 cents per pound. Such merchandise is classifiable under item
 numbers 7213.20.00, 7213.31.30, 7213.31.60, 7213.39.00, 7213.41.30, 7213.41.60,
 7213.49.00 and 7213.50.00 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS). The HTS item
 numbers are provided for convenience and Customs purposes. The written description
 remains dispositive.
 The review covers the period January 1, 1990 through December 31, 1990 and four
 programs: (1) Public Investment Fund loan to HADEED, (2) SABIC's transfer of SULB
 shares to HADEED, (3) preferential provision of equipment of HADEED, and (4) income
 tax holiday for joint venture projets in Saudia Arabia. The Saudi Iron and Steel Company
 (HADEED) was the sole producer and/or exporter of carbon steel wire rod to the United
 States during the review period.

 Analysis of Comments Received

 We gave interested parties an opportunity to comment on the preliminary results. We
 received comments from the respondent (HADEED), and the petitioners.

 Comment 1: The respondent argues that the Public Investment Fund (PIF) loan program
 and the Saudi Industrial Development Fund (SIDF) loan program are "integrally linked" as
 defined in section 355.43(b)(6) of the Department's proposed regulations; see,
 Countervailing Duties; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Request for Public
 Comments, 54 FR 23366, (May 31, 1989). Since PIF and SIDF are integrally linked, they
 should be considered together in determining whether loans provided by these two
 entities are limited to a specific enterprise or industry, or group of enterprises or
 industries. SIDF and PIF qualify for linkage under each factor identified in the
 Department's proposed regulations. These factors are (1) evidence of a government policy
 to treat industries equally, (2) the purposes of the programs as stated in their enabling
 legislation, (3) the administration of the programs, (4) the manner of funding the
 programs, and (5) "other factors."

 The information on the record shows a Saudi government policy to treat industries
 equally. PIF and SIDF provide identical benefits--low-cost, long- term construction
 loans--on identical terms to a wide variety of industries. PIF and SIDF are two of five
 Specialized Credit Institutioins that the Saudi government created to develop and
 diversify the Saudi economy. The PIF and SIDF share a common purpose as the only
 sources of low-cost financing for the industrial and manufacturing sector. PIF loans are
 available to companies with some government equity, and are suited for the types of large
 projects that the Saudi government would be most likely to undertake. SIDF loans, on the
 other hand, are available to companies with some private Saudi ownership and are best
 suited for small and medium-sized projects. Between them, the two programs address the
 borrowing needs of the entire range of Saudi industries.

 PIF and SIDF share a common purpose, based on statements in each entity's enabling
 legislation. PIF was created "to finance investment in the productive projects of a
 commercial nature." Similarly, SIDF was created "to support industrial development in
 the private sector of the Kingdom's economy." Both programs are aimed at financing
 development in the Saudi industrial and manufacturing sector.

 PIF and SIDF are administered in a comparable manner through SAMA (the Saudi Central
 Bank) and the Ministry of Finance and National Economy. Both PIF and SIDF are
 administered by boards of directors with a common chairman, the Minister of Finance
 and National Economy, with the remaining members drawn from SAMA and other Saudi
 government agencies.

 PIF and SIDF were orginally funded through the Ministry of Finance and National
 Economy. Currently, both programs are self-sufficient. SAMA produces a consolidated
 balance sheet showing assets and liabilities of PIF and SIDF jointly. All information
 regarding budget allocations, disbursements and repayments of PIF and SIDF are
 published as consolidated statements.

 Other factors integrally linking PIF and SIDF include the fact that there are no de jure
 limitations on the types of industries eligible to receive loans under either fund. The
 lending practices and histories of both funds are similar. The maximun loan amount is SR
 500 million for PIF and SR 400 million for SIDF. The maximum loan period for both PIF
 and SIDF is 15 years. The PIF requires Saudi government equity participation in a project
 in order to obtain funds. Similarly, SIDF requires at least 25 percent equity contribution
 from private Saudi sources in order to obtain funds.

 Thus, in light of the factors described above, respondent argues that the Department has a
 compelling case for finding integral linkage between PIF and SIDF. The programs are part
 of the same overall government lending policy, they are intended to be complementary
 and to achieve the same purpose, they are 


 administered and funded through the
 same governmental agency, and they provide similar benefits to the same sector of the
 Saudi economy. Based on a finding of integral linkage, the Department should consider
 PIF and SIDF programs together and find that neither is specifically provided and
 therefore countervailable.

 The petitioner argues the Department has rejected respondent's argument regarding
 integral linkage in the previous three reviews (see, Final Results of Countervailing
 Duty Administrative Review; Carbon Steel Wire Rod from Saudi Arabia, 56 FR 26652,
 June 10, 1991; and, Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews;
 Carbon Steel Wire Rod from Saudi Arabia, 56 FR 48158, September 24, 1991). The
 unique aspects of the PIF program cannot be hidden by lumping it together with other
 Saudi government financing programs such as SIDF, which were established for other
 reasons. Nothing the Saudi government does in providing other loans through separate
 programs detracts from PIF's specificity.

 Department's Position: Any conclusion regarding the roles of PIF and SIDF in a broader
 Saudi governmental policy initiative can only be reached by considering the historical
 and practical development of each program up to the time the loan in question was
 contracted. Documented information on the inception of the programs that explicitly ties
 PIF and SIDF as complementary parts of an overarching governmental policy directive
 has not been presented by the respondent despite the Department's repeated requests.
 Therefore, since the factual information on the record relevant to the establishment and
 development of PIF and SIDF is insufficient to demonstrate integral linkage, we will
 continue to consider each program separately.

 Comment 2: The respondent contends that it is unreasonable for the Department to
 demand any more factual proof of integral linkage than what HADEED has provided. All
 known existing evidence has been presented. For reasons relating primarily to the nature
 of record-keeping during the early stages of Saudi Arabia's industrialization process,
 better evidence appears not to exist. The Department is not justified in treating evidence
 of linkage at inception as a criterion for finding integral linkage. Such a criterion is not
 even explicitly listed in the Department's proposed regulation. Furthermore, the
 Department's insistence on proof of such additional factors violates prescribed rules of
 procedure by using factors purporting to be guidance as a final rule determining
 substantive rights. The Court of International Trade has held that the Department must
 follow the minimal "notice and comment" procedures embodied in the Administrative
 Procedures Act (APA) before promulgating final rules. Ipsco, Inc. v. United Sttes, 687 F.
 Supp. 614 (C.I.T. 1988).

 Department's Position: With regard to the question of "integral linkage," the Department
 has in these reviews consistently focused its attention on the relationship between the
 programs in question and "an overall government policy or national development plan."
 See, Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews; Carbon Steel Wire
 Rod from Saudi Arabia, 56 FR 48158, September 24, 1991). This position was also
 followed in the Final Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination; Certain Fresh
 Cut Flowers from the Netherlands (52 FR 3301, February 3, 1987) wherein the
 Department would not find integral linkage because "the government was unable to
 document the inclusion of (the programs) as part of an overall national energy program. *
 * *" Id at 3309.
 In requiring that this relationship be explicit at the inception(s) of the programs, the
 Department violates no statutory or regulatory provision. Even if one turns to the
 Department's proposed regulations, the decision herein is fully supported. 19 CFR
 355.43(b)(6) of the proposed regulations tells us that when deciding an integral linkage
 question the Secretary will examine "evidence of a government policy to treat industries
 equally." This broad instruction is included on a list that explicitly advises parties that the
 Department will consider the factors on the list together with "other factors." Thus, it is
 within the Department's discretion to explicate each factor listed in the proposed
 regulation, and to do so in accordance with Departmental precedent. This is precisely
 what the Department has done with the second factor listed in the proposed regulation.

 Comment 3: The respondent argues that, contrary to the Department's preliminary
 results, PIF loans are not limited to a specific group of enterprises, and therefore, they are
 not countervailable. HADEED contends that the Department's preliminary determination
 that the Saudi government, through PIF, provides loans to "a specific enterprise or
 industry or group of enterprises or industries" within the meaning of section 1677(5)(B),
 is incorrect. The basis for the Department's determination is the erroneous assumption
 that only six companies have effectively benefited from the program. In reality, 24
 companies in a wide variety of industries have received PIF financing. The 18 companies
 that are at least 50 percent-owned by either SABIC or PETROMIN should be treated as
 separate entities. The Department has, in effect, found that there is an intercorporate
 transfer of benefits based solely on corporate relationships with SABIC or PETROMIN.
 Such an application of the specificity test based on a commonality of shareholders is
 without precedent and contravenes the Department's established policy not to assume
 automatic transfer of benefits based on related party status. Respondents cite the
 following cases in defense of their argument: Industrial Phosphoric Acid from Israel, 52
 FR 25447 (July 7, 1987); Operators for Jalousie and Awning Windows from El Salvador,
 51 FR 41516 (November 17, 1986); Low- Fuming Brazing Copper Rod and Wire from New
 Zealand, 50 FR 31638 (August 5, 1985); and Carbon Steel Structural Shapes from
 Luxembourg, 47 FR 39364 (September 7, 1982).

 The petitioner contends that PIF provides benefits almost exclusively to the projects
 undertaken by a few companies with controlling government ownership and therefore
 constitute a specific group of enterprises in Saudi Arabia.

 Department's Position: We disagree with respondent. We have considered and rejected
 respondent's argument in the original investigation, and in the subsequent three reviews
 (see, Final Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination and Countervailing
 Duty Order; Carbon Steel Wire Rod from Saudi Arabia, 51 FR 4206, February 3, 1986;
 Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; Carbon Steel Wire Rod
 from Saudi Arabia, 56 FR 26652, June 10, 1991; and, Final Results of Countervailing
 Duty Administrative Reviews; Carbon Steel Wire Rod from Saudi Arabia, 56 FR 48158,
 September 24, 1991, respectively). We determined that the loan in question was part of a
 de facto specific program, and respondent has presented no new evidence that would
 disturb this conclusion (other than that pertaining to "integral linkage"). Furthermore, the
 Court of International Trade has found that Commerce "reasonably applied the Specificity
 test" and has concluded that Commerce's determination that the Saudi government
 provides PIF loans to a specific group of enterprises is in accordance with law. See, Saudi


 and Steel Co. v. United States, 675 F. Supp. 1362 (C.I.T. 1987).

 Comment 4: Petitioners contend that the Department's use of a composite benchmark
 incorporating a short-term interest rate is incorrect. In calculating the benchmark, the
 Department relied on the erroneous assumption that HADEED could have obtained the
 SIDF's maximum loan limit of fifty percent of the project's total cost. In fact, the
 maximum amount HADEED could have obtained from SIDF was SR400 million,
 significantly less than fifty percent of the project's total cost.

 Department's Position: We disagree. We have considered and rejected this argument in a
 previous review. See, Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review;
 Carbon Steel Wire Rod from Saudi Arabia, 56 FR 26652, June 10, 1991. Our
 methodology remains unchanged from the original investigation. Since the PIF loan
 covered 60 percent of HADEED's total project costs, for our benchmark we assumed that
 HADEED could have financed 50 percent of its total project costs with a SIDF loan (the
 maximum eligibility for a company with at least 50 percent Saudi ownership) and the
 remaining 10 percent of project costs with a Saudi commercial bank loan. The
 commercial bank portion of the benchmark was based on the average Saudi Interbank
 Offering Rate (SIBOR) for 1990, plus the normal one percent spread that is common for
 commercial borrowings from private Saudi banks.

 Final Results of Review

 After reviewing all of the comments received, we determine the total bounty or grant to
 be 0.01 percent ad valorem for the period January 1, 1990 through December 31, 1990.
 In accordance with 19 CFR 355.7, any rate less than 0.50 percent ad valorem is de
 Therefore, the Department will instruct the Customs Service to liquidate, without regard
 to countervailing duties, all shipments of this merchandise exported on or after
 January 1, 1990 and exported on or before December 31, 1990.
 The Department will also instruct the Customs Service to waive cash deposits of estimated
 countervailing duties on all shipments of this merchandise entered, or withdrawn
 from warehouse, for consumption, on or after the date of publication of these final results
 of administrative review. The waiving of cash deposits of estimated countervailing
 duties shall remain in effect until publication of the final results of the next
 administrative review. This administrative review and notice are in accordance with
 section 751(a)(1) of the Tariff Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(a)(1)) and 19 CFR 355.22.
 Dated: March 2, 1992.

 Marjorie A. Chorlins,

 Acting Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.

 (FR Doc. 92-5422 Filed 3-6-92; 8:45 am)